Kratom Warrior Information,Latest News Kratom sales, ads being pushed at increasing rate in certain regions

Kratom sales, ads being pushed at increasing rate in certain regions

There appears to be a new push for a gas station pill known as kratom as more and more signs have beening popping up around the Cincinnati tri-state touting “fresh kratom for sale.”

The pills are becoming more popular – despite the lack of regulation for the product – because the herbal supplement can have opioid-like or stimulant-like effect, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA). As a result, many are using kratom to manage opioid withdrawals, cravings (especially from the former), pain, fatigue and mental health incidents.

While the NIDA supports research into kratom for its potential medical uses, other agencies like the FDA have issued several warnings about the pills and others – especially at the state level – are advocating for much stricter regulatory action.

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